My Journey to Motherhood
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Arielle is here!
I'm so excited, wish I had more time to blog, just a quick update she's here!! Here's the pic of my mom happy with her grand-daughter!!
Next post: Birth Story....
Tanisa Samuel
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Overdue and Stressed
This is what I get for posting previously about not being ready 6 weeks prior to EDD.
Now I'm a week past due date and no signs of imminent labour!! I'm going nuts here!!
I'd planned a natural unmedicated birth but of course my OB doesn't give a damn about that, she just wants to induce me. When I refused the induction for last night, she insisted I do bio-physical profile (BPP) and Non Stress Test (NST) to check that the baby is ok. Mind you, there was no reason or indication that the baby was anything other than healthy. So off we go to the hospital, do the ultrasound, baby looks perfect, face down, facing my back, moving as she should, she has more than enough amniotic fluid etc etc,, Oh by the way she has hair which I'm so excited about!! Can't wait to see her beautiful face!! But, I digress..... So then we go up to L&D for the NST. They check the baby's heart rate and my irregular contractions which are all fine - monitoring me for 2 hours (WHY I DONT KNOW), then they call the doc and say everything is fine, she insists on giving me a bag of IV fluids and monitoring me for another hour. I know that all she was doing was looking for any reason to keep me there and induce me!! But DF, me and my healthy baby eventually walked outta there AFTER 6 HOURS...... although she was not in my arms but still in my belly. She's just not done cooking and I am trying to be patient.
I've got almost no dilation and a thick cervix so an induction right now would more likely end up with a C-section since my body is not ready.
The other issue is that my mom, the eager first time grandma, who's here for two weeks to help me with the baby is waiting too, and the longer this goes on the less time she has here, by the time the baby comes she's gonna have to leave to go back to work - THIS is what's making me crazy. I really don't need her help now......... I'm capable of doing everything, ugh.... I need to just calm down, but my hormones are making me so emotional too.....
Monday, June 21, 2010
Eviction Notice Served
Friday, June 11, 2010
A few things I've learned...
You are beautiful, of this you can be confident, but it's who you are on the inside that makes you stand out or blend in, memorable or forgettable.
Value your friendships; only time will tell if they're real, if they're not, bow out gracefully. If they are they will last a lifetime. Choose your friends carefully, your friends say much about you.
The truth is always best. Honesty shows integrity. Do what's right, act on principle and you will never have to worry.
Good manners and etiquette are never out of season; Smile and say good morning, good afternoon or good evening when you first walk into a room, even if it's filled with strangers.
Mommy and Daddy love you more than you can ever imagine, you can always talk to us about anything.
Always say thank-you with eye contact whenever you receive a compliment, a gift, or a favor.
People will love you and trust you with their hearts, don't take it for granted.
Humbly and sincerely apologise when you think you may be wrong, look the person in the eye and you can easily diffuse 99% of most drama and misunderstandings. Clarify and seek to understand others' point of view. Even if it was unintentional, if you hurt someone, apologise.
In general, people are good and mean well, but if you're in any doubt, trust your instincts, it's ok to be cautious.
Never do something to someone else that you would not want done to you. Think this through every time your actions involve others.
Never speak ill of one person to another, you will lose their trust. When you speak of others, pretend the person can hear you.
It takes at least 3 months to get to know someone so take your time and be careful.
Health and safety is paramount.
Never date a guy who's involved with someone else - even if he has all the excuses in the world.
Never stay with a guy who's not 100% sure he wants to be with you. If a guy's interested he will do ANYTHING to make sure you know it.
Never make promises lightly - keep your word, no matter whom you gave it to.
Learn from others' mistakes as well as your own.
Save 20% of your earnings and forget about it.
Never borrow money if you can avoid it. Pay cash for even large items like your car. For your home, minimum 20% down.
If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Walk away and bide your time, you will see!
Don't get involved with get rich quick schemes. Nothing in life is free.
Take Care of your body, treat it well and it will serve you well.
Exercise and eat right.
Too much of anything is never a good thing.
Use sunscreen. Keep your face clean and moisturized.
Keep your goals in mind. Think of your future and ensure the things you do now make a positive contribution to your goals.
There's nothing more important than getting the best education possible - no-one can ever take that away from you and it will make you a better person and help you carve out the future you deserve.
Don't be a slave to today's fashion, great style is timeless. You can be stylish, sexy and intriguing on any budget.
Don't over do make up, you don't need it, you're blessed with beauty that is rare to find - most days, lip gloss, and earrings are all that's needed.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Rocking it Hot at 39 weeks
Saturday, June 5, 2010
This day in History - Gulf Oil SPill
The weather is beautiful today, heading to Fort Lauderdale beach (while it's still clean)....