Sunday, May 30, 2010

Waiting patiently

My pregnancy has gone by pretty quickly, I can't believe it's only 20 days till Due date! While I'm happy for her to come when she's good ready and fully baked, I am also hoping we don't go past the due date. She's getting big in here! I'm hoping for a small baby (like I was) although she's probably past the weight I was when I was born; Mom tells me I came early at 5 pounds something - less than 6 pounds! I'm finally starting to feel uncomfortable. I can feel the weight in my belly and on my back. Standing for long periods are difficult and even walking, while good for me and yes I still take long walks with Mocha, is more difficult and uncomfortable thanks to those fake contractions which seems to increase as I walk - or maybe I just notice it more? My walk is now a full blown WADDLE!!! She's low and head down, that's good but so far no dilation or thinning of the cervix so no signs of any impending labour anytime soon!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Arielle's Closet

This child is a already a diva! She certainly has more clothes than I do at the moment (My pregnant self that is....)

All laundered and ironed and ready for the princess!!

She takes my breath away

Can't seem to catch my breath these days, I get winded just from talking! I was leaving a voicemail for someone I felt disgusted with all my heavy breathing down the phone LOL.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ocean arrived just in time for Mother's day!!

Saturday morning, 2am with only 1.5 hours of sleep my sister Tricia calls me and says she's been admitted to L&D with consistent contractions with 4.5cm dilation. So we got up got ready and drove the 45mins to be by her side. She had already received her epidural when I arrived as evidenced by her smile and relaxed demeanor! Laughing and telling jokes etc as we waited for things to progress. The doc came in and checked things out - she was progressing well but in the spirit of medical management, prescribed pitocin to "speed things along so we could have a baby in the next half hour rather than the next hour... The doctors love control - none of us argued since we were all so excited to meet Baby Ocean!

With both sisters at her side helping to keep legs up, cousin and husband holding her hands (And Deryk safely outside), she soldiered through 20 minutes of pushing and out came the princess!! We were all in tears as a triumphant Mommy held her baby in her arms for the first time. Daddy is super proud and has been hogging her; which he can easily do since Tricia has chosen to bottle feed - he's one happy daddy!!

What a lovely Mother's day gift? Happy mother's day to Trish and all the mommies who go through so much for us!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

6 weeks to go!

People (including complete strangers) are always saying - "Ooh, I bet you can't wait to have the baby!!"

I usually answer calmly; "Oh yes I can"

I'm just not ready! Oh yes I have all the baby gear and baby clothes - I mean really? At this age she only needs diapers and onesies right?! Ok not really. Its so funnny how in the beginning, during the excitement of finding out that I'm actually WITH CHILD; 40 weeks seems so long, but actually I feel like it's flown by! As a first timer, I've never experienced the euphoria, the instant love connection and the bliss that comes with giving birth to this human being. All I can think about is the immense responsibility of raising my daughter as well as the more immediate issues such as lack of sleep (I love my sleep), incessant crying (I'm impatient), not knowing what to do (I dislike being unaware or out of control), worrying about SIDS, freaking out about whether she's ok, keeping her safe and alive....... It just all seems so stressful!!!

Of course I'm excited about our daughter. I know she's going to be beautiful but I guess a part of me is worried too and I keep hearing horror stories about the birth process and about babies not making it and I'm just trying my best to be cautious - or is it just me?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Baby Shower Bliss!!!

I can't thank my friends and family enough for the amazing Baby shower and gifts we (Arielle and I) received on May Day...... I have to make special mention to Nikki!!!! Who organized the whole thing with help from Peta-Gaye and Elesia. So sad that Elesia and many other people couldn't make it :(

I had the best day ever!!!! I can hardly believe I got so much stuff, according to her daddy, Arielle is a future DIVA and already has more clothes than her mom (well the stuff I have here anyway!).

We are blessed and grateful! Now to finish up the baby shopping (not much there!), wash Arielle's clothes, pack hospital bag....... I'm so not ready!! 45 days to go!!

Tanisa Samuel & Deryk Meany