Sunday, February 7, 2010

21 weeks and time is flying!

I got some good advice the other day form my lovely step mom: Enjoy the pregnancy! I can honestly say that I truly am. Ever since those first kick at 17 weeks, I've been subject to Baby's kickboxing activities day and night since then!! It's so nice and reassuring, just hoping she sleeps a bit more as she get's older or this could become painful! LOL. I drink lots of water, so she's got plenty of amniotic fluid to move around in. I was told that the bigger they get the less space they have and it restricts movement a bit, also they're growing and sleeping more. We'll see!

At 19 weeks we decided to do a 3D/4D ultrasound to confirm the gender!! This baby is 100% girl, she was not shy at all about showing us the girl goods the whole time I was at the 3D Ultrasound place!!! She was so active, rubbing eyes, kicking, flexing those legs and arms, we got 83 pictures of her! Saw all fingers, toes, cute butt and of course the Vajajay!

I'm so happy!! All we have to do now is find a name! Oh and what a dilemma this naming thing is. Especially for a girl - because we all know what a special little princess this one will be!

We already have one princess, my dear step daughter Rachael, although it's hard to believe she's almost grown (17 years old when this princess makes her debut) and will make a great big sis for this little one.


  1. I saw your comment on baby center and you look so great, just thought you should know. I have been working out on and off. The cold, gloomy weather is not motivating for working out (live in Germany right now). I gained 43lbs with my first which is just crazy. Im 25 weeks now and only up 11.5 pounds b.c Ive been healthier/working out. Makes a big difference. Anyway wish I was as tan as you..keep up the workouts!

  2. Girls are the best. Congratulations!
