Wednesday, March 3, 2010

From PrimaDonna to SuperMama?

Many women extol the virtues of bringing new life into the world and marvel at God's amazing creation, (which is undoubtedly awe inspiring), but lets not forget that we're also the ones who have to actually navigate the side effects such as morning sickness, pregnancy weight gain, mood swings, and of course the agony of childbirth only to be followed by sleepless nights, dirty diapers, incessant crying BUT with the occasional coo and smile which erases all the above and makes everything worthwhile.

I just read a blog by a pregnant lady in which she writes just how much pregnancy SUCKS and that she has no idea why she does it (memory lapse?) - she would prefer labor over those 40 weeks of suckiness blah blah blah. Well, I am happy to report that this is not the case for me. Am I one of the lucky few? Well if I am - I am grateful. I too have fallen prey to the amnesia which seems to strike all mothers with my quick dismissal of the early days of morning sickness, (that terrible misnomer), that had me hugging the toilet bowl in an unladylike (not to mention unsanitary) fashion morning, noon and night. The 2nd trimester though, has been glorious; glowing skin, happy days, thick beautiful hair, sexy boobs, plenty of energy and a cute round bump that announces to all that I am indeed with child and not just victim of too much cake and ice-cream.

I'm only in the beginning stages here. What's gonna happen when those sleepless nights hit? Am I going to become another victim of that post-natal disaster that seems to befall so many new moms? Disheveled bleary eyed, unwashed hair, un-manicured nails, tired and wired, having no problems with popping that boob out in public to feed hungry baby, with an attitude of: "there's more to life than being well groomed" and the "don't you dare disapprove, my baby needs nourishment and is the most important thing on the planet" look.


I'm assuming not - people have kids everyday and it doesn't essentially change who they are, right? But people also say how having a baby changes everything.... Life has a way of surprising us all and YES God has a sense of humor (enough with the cliches I know - I never claimed to be a writer) - so watch this space and see how this self professed glamour girl takes on mommy-hood!!

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